Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil by Claude Monet

Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil The following is an analysis and an interpretation of Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil. This oil on canvas painting can be found in the High Museum of Art. Claude Monet, the artist of this piece painted this in 1873, right as the Impressionism Movement was beginning. Monet played the important role of one of the founders of the Impressionism Movement with his works like Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil. Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil is from a series of paintings that Monet did while in Argenteuil. In the artwork Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil, the lighting used throughout the painting, brushstroke techniques, perspective, and color all play an important role in the piece, as well as in the Impressionism Movement. Impressionist artists attempted to capture candid shots of their subjects outdoors showing the effects of sunlight on different objects at different times of day. Claude Monet was no exception to this statement. Like in Claude Monet’s Rouen Cathedral: The Portal (in Sun) (Garnier, 824), sunlight is an important part in scene created in Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil, though is not the real subject of the piece like it is in Rouen Cathedral: The Portal (in Sun). In Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil, Claude Monet used darker hues of the colors to capture the light and the absence of light throughout the painting. The sun itself cannot be seen, but the intensity of the colors orange, yellow, white, green, and red throughout the tree suggest that there is some sunlight present. The sky is spotted with clouds almost to the point where you can’t see the sky, but there is some blue still seen through the clouds. Monet was obviously wanting to capture the essence of the Autumn season, and did so with the right use of lighting that would not have been possible without the brushstrokes Monet used. The brushstrokes that are used throughout a painting can help classify what movement the painting may have came out of. Impressionist painters created a distinctive short, choppy brushstroke to create better lighting. In painting Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil, Monet uses this technique all over the canvas. At close inspection, the colors red, white, yellow and blue placed side by side looked unintelligible as they are placed throughout the trees on the left side of the painting. At a distance, however, the colors begin to mix into different variations of orange, green, yellow, white, blue, and red, making the palette more interesting. This technique is used on the entire painting. The water’s reflection of the trees uses the same technique. Like in Claude Monet’s first major Impressionism painting, Impression: Sunrise (Garnier, 823), the painting Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil also uses the brushy strokes. Both use a body of water’s reflection in the piece, making the water itself more interesting, and giving Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil perspective. The technique most artists use to project an illusion of the three-dimensional world onto a two-dimensional surface is called perspective. Objects are painted smaller the farther away from the audience is supposed to be, and are painted bigger the closer the audience is supposed to be. A vanishing point is helpful in creating perspective. This technique helps to make up a sense of depth in a piece of art. In Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil, perspective is created by the body of water that is in the foreground of painting. This body of water is going off into the distance in which you cannot see it’s end. In the background, there are buildings that are barely visible, making them appear to be farther away. This technique draws the audience’s eye to the center of the piece, perhaps at the building that is set of into the distance. Color has value, hues, and intensities that differ from piece to piece. Color can also be broken down into color schemes. Color is always a very important part to any work of art. Impressionism painters usually only used the primary colors blue, red, and yellow in their works, like Monet did in Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil. They did this so they could place the primary colors side by side to create secondary colors like the greens and oranges seen in the trees in Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil. This technique was used because Impressionists believed that color is not a permanent characteristic and changes due to weather, lighting, or reflection, which is true in this painting as the leave are all changing colors. The color of the water in Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil effects the colors of the reflections of the trees, boats, and buildings very little. Impressionism paintings have an overall luminosity because the painters avoided blacks and earth colors. Shadows in the painting are composed of many complimentary colors, like on the sides of the boats on the left side of the water in Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil. Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil by Claude Monet was interesting and very tranquil to analysis and an interpret. This oil on canvas painting can be found in the High Museum of Art, but was originally painted in 1873 in France, right as the Impressionism Movement was beginning. Monet played the important role of one of the founders of the Impressionism Movement with his works like Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil. In the artwork Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil, the lighting used throughout the painting, brushstroke techniques, perspective, and color all play an important role in the piece, as well as in the Impressionism Movement. Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil is an amazing work of art that will not soon be forgotten by its many adoring fans.

Routing Protocol

1. INTRODUCTION 1. 1 What  is Computer Network? The group  of  computers and devices linked by communication channels allowing users to share information, data, software and hardware with further users is meant to be computer network. Network protocols bound hardware as well as software components of network. Two or more  computers are said  to be  in  a network if and only if they are connected  mutually  and  are  able  to commune. Computers are connected to a network by the use of all  the ports i. e. , parallel ports, modem ports, Ethernet ports, serial ports, USB ports  , fire wire ports and many more in one or more way. But Ethernet port is the most broadly used ports  for networking. Hosts, end stations or workstations are referred while talking  about networks. Anything  attached  to  the network  including hubs, bridges, switches, routers,  access points, firewalls, workstations, servers, mainframes, printers, scanners, copiers, fax machines  and more are included under Host or end stations . Computers are connected in a network for sharing of software and hardware resources, information and data as well as smooth the progress of communication. 1. 2 TCP/IP Layered  architecture Fig: TCP/IP Layered  architecture The following  are  the layers  of  the TCP/IP  architecture: Application Layer: In the  application layer Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) uses protocol  for network communication. Application layer protocols  are most  frequently  linked with client-server  applications. Transport Layer: End-to-end message transfer capability, flow control, error control and fragmentation etc are provided  by the transport layer. The transport layer ensures source to destination delivery of packets safely and reliably. The service through which applications are connected  together via  the use  of ports is provided by transport layer. Network Layer: Packets are logically transmitted over  the entire network in the OSI’s Network layer. Hosts addressing by assigning  them  an IP  address  and packet routing among multiple networks are handled in this layer. This layer is concerned with routing data; end to end message delivery etc. Interface Layer: The data exchange between  the host  and  the network are monitored by the  interface layer. The protocols for  physical transmission  of data is defined by Interface Layer . 1. 3  Autonomous System IP networks  and routers collection under  the control  of one entity representing a common routing policy is called an  Autonomous System. Each  AS  have a unique  AS number  for use  in routing. Each network is uniquely identified on  the  internet by ASN. IANA (Internet  assigned Numbers  authority) assign AS numbers  and supply  to Regional  internet Registries (RIRs)  in blocks. Autonomous System can be divided  into three categories: Multihomed  Autonomous System:   Connections  to more than one  AS is maintained by a Multihomed  AS. Stub  autonomous System:   Connection  to only one other  AS is Stub  autonomous System. Transit  autonomous System:  Connections through itself  to separate networks are provided by Transit  autonomous System. 1. 4 Routing The method  of selecting paths  in  a network via which  to send data is meant to be routing. The process  of finding  a pathway from  a sender  to  a desired destination is also said to be routing. The telephone network,  the  internet  and transport networks, etc perform routing. Network Layer  of either TCP/IP layered model or  the OSI (Open System  interconnect) Reference model mainly carry out routing. The logically  addressed packets are passed from  their source  to destination via  intermediary nodes i. e. orwarding is directed by routing. Routing tasks are performed by routers. Routing and packet forwarding is performed by ordinary  computers available with multiple network cards in a limited manner. Forwarding is directed by the routing process on  the basis  of routing tables where routing record to different network destinations are maintained. In order to have efficient routing, construction of routing table held  in  the routers' memory is most necessary thing. Only one network path are frequently used by routing  algorithms   at  a time, but  the use  of multiple  alternative paths is made possible by multi-path routing techniques. Following are the types  of routing delivery semantics: Unicast: A message is delivered to  a single specified node by router. Fig: Unicasting Broadcast:   A message is delivered  to  all nodes  in  the network by router. Fig: Broadcasting Multicast:   A message is delivered  to assembly  of nodes that have expressed  interest  in getting  the message by router. Fig: Multicasting Anycast: A message is delivered  to  any one out  of  a set  of nodes, typically  the one next  to  the source. Fig:  anycasting 2. TYPES  OF ROUTING Following are the types  of Routing mechanisms. They  are: Static Routing Dynamic Routing 2. Static Routing: The process  by which routes can be manually entered into the routing table with the help of a configuration file which loads automatically as soon as router starts is called static routing. Network  administrator, who configures the routes, can enter these routes as an option. Thus ‘static' rou tes mean the routes that cannot be changed (except  a person changes  them)   after their configuration. The simplest  type  of routing is static routing. In case of change of routing information often or configuration on a huge number of routing devices (router) it doesn’t work fine as it is a manual process. The outages or down connections are not handled properly by static routing because  manually configured route must be reconfigured physically in order  to fix or renovate  any lost connectivity. 2. 2 Dynamic Routing: Network destinations are discovered dynamically  by means of software  applications called Dynamic routing protocols. A routing table is created and managed by router  in Dynamic Routing. Firstly, a router will ‘learn' routes  to  the directly connected entire networks. It will  then learn routes from other routers using the same routing protocol. One or more best routes are selected from the list of routes for each and every network destination by router. ‘Best route'  information are distributed  to other routers running  the same routing protocol by Dynamic protocols, distributing  the  information on what networks it subsist  and can be reached. This provide dynamic routing protocols  the  capability  to  get used to logical network  topology changes, equipment failures or network outages ‘on  the fly'. 2. 3 Types  of Dynamic Routing Distance-Vector Routing Paths are calculated using Bellman Ford Algorithm by  a distance-vector routing protocol. RIPv1  and 2  and IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) are examples  of distance-vector routing protocols. Earlier, distance vector protocols such as RIPv1 show classful behavior but newer distance vector protocols such  as RIPv2  and Enhanced  interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) show signs of classless behavior. Distance-vector routing protocols †¢ Easy  and competent  in small networks †¢ Deprived convergence properties †¢ Facilitate in  the growth  of more complex but more scalable link-state routing protocols  for use  in large networks. Periodic copies  of  a routing table are passed from router  to router by distance vector routing  algorithms. †¢ Logical broadcast is the most commonly used  addressing scheme. Periodic updates are sent by routers running  a distance vector routing protocol even if  there  are no changes  in  the network. †¢ Complete routing table is included under  the periodic rou ting update in a pure distance vector environment. †¢ All known routes can be verified and changes can be made  by getting  a neighbor’s complete routing table based on simplified  information also called as â€Å"routing by rumor†. Fig: Distance Vector Routing Periodic routing updates are received from router A to router B in  the figure. Distance vector metric (such  as hop count) are added by Router B to each route learned from router A,  rising  the distance vector. Its own routing tables  are passed to its neighbor, router C. This process occurs  between directly connected neighbor routers in  all directions. The chief purpose  is  to decide  the top route  to  contain  in  the table when the routing table is updated by  a routing protocol  algorithm. Different routing metric is used to determine  the best route by each distance vector routing protocol. Metric value  is generated for each path through network by the  algorithm. Usually, the path is better if metric is smaller. Single characteristic  of  a path helps in calculation of metrics and combination of several path characteristics helps in calculation of more complex metrics. The most commonly used  metrics used by distance vector routing protocols are: Hop Count: Packet’s number  of passages throughout  the output port  of one router Bandwidth: Link’s data capacity Delay: Time necessary  to shift  a packet from starting place  to destination. Load: work load on  router or link. Reliability: each network link  bit error rate Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU):  the utmost message extent  in octets satisfactory  to  all links on  the path. Link-State Routing Packet-switched networks use link-state routing protocol  for computer communications. OSPF  and  IS-IS are its examples. A  topological database is built by the help of link-state routing that describes extra  precise  inter-network routes. Large networks use link state routing protocols and now used by most of the organization and ISP. Router performs the link-state protocol in  the network. A map  of  the connectivity  of  the network is constructed by every node in the form of graph showing node connection to other node is the basic concept  of link-state routing. The best next hop is calculated by each node  independently for every possible destination  in  the network. The routing table for the node is formed by  the collection  of best next hops. Fig: Link-State Routing To find out  the shortest path from itself  to every other node  in  the network an  algorithm is run by each node  independently over  the map. OSPF, EIGRP and Novell's NLSP (NetWare Link State Protocol) are the examples of link state routing protocol. IPX is only supported by Novell's NLSP. A partial map  of  the network is maintained by each router in this type  of routing protocol. Link state  advertisement (LSA)  is flooded throughout  the network when  a network link changes state (up  to down, or vice versa). The changes are noted and routes are re-computed by all  the routers  accordingly. Greater flexibility  and sophistication are provided by Link State Routing protocols than  the Distance Vector routing protocols. Overall broadcast traffic is reduced  and better decisions are made  about routing by taking characteristics such  as bandwidth, delay, reliability,  and load  into consideration,  instead  of taking  their decisions only on hop count. 3. ROUTING  ALGORITHMS 3. 1 Bellman-Ford  Algorithm: †¢ Also called as Label Correcting  algorithm †¢ Used for negative edge weight †¢ Same as Dijkstra's  algorithm †¢ In order to maintain distance tables, this algorithm is used by router †¢ Exchanging  information with  the neighboring nodes help to update information in the distance table †¢ All nodes  in the network is represented by the number  of data  in  the table The directly  attached neighbors are represented by the columns  of table and all destinations  in  the network are represented by the row. †¢ The number  of hops, latency,  the number  of outgoing packets, etc. are measurements in this algorithm. 3. 2 Dijkstra’s  Algorithm: †¢ Edsger Dijkstra  conceived Dijkstra's  algorithm †¢ Mostly used for routing †¢ Is a graph search algorithm †¢ The single-source shortest path problem  for  a graph is solved by this algorithm with non negative edge path costs †¢ The shortest path tree is produced as a output †¢ Helps in finding shortest route from one router to other A shortest-path spanning tree having route to all possible destination  is built by this algorithm for router †¢ The router using  the  algorithm  is  the source  of its shortest-path spanning tree 4. ROUTING PROTOCOLS Routing protocol describe the way of communication between routers which helps in the selection of routes between any two nodes on a network. Usually, knowledge of immediate neighbors is known by each router. This  information is shared by  a routing protocol to have routers the knowledge  of  the network  topology. Most commonly used Rout ing protocols are as follows: 4. RIP (Routing  information Protocol) †¢ dynamic  inter-network routing protocol †¢ used in private network †¢ routes are automatically discovered †¢ routing tables are built †¢ a Distance-Vector routing protocol †¢ uses Bellman-Ford  algorithm †¢ 15 hops are  allowed with RIP †¢ 180 sec is the hold down time †¢ Full updates are transmitted every 30 sec by each RIP router †¢ Works at network layer †¢ Prevent routing loops †¢ Hop limit †¢ incorrect routing  information are prevented from being propagated †¢ easy configuration †¢ no parameter required Two versions  of RIP are as follows: RIPv1: †¢ classful routing is used subnet information is not carried by periodic routing updates †¢ no support for VLSM (variable length subnet masks) †¢ Same network class have different sized subnet by the use of RIPv1 †¢ No router authentication †¢ Broadcast based and 15 is the maximum hop count A RIPv1 packet  format  is shown below: [pic]Fig: RIP packet  format Command:  determine whether  the packet  is  a request or  a response. A router send  all or part  of its routing table is asked by  the request. Reply  to  a request or regular routing update means the response. Routing table entries are contained in responses. Version number: RIP version used is specified. Potentially  incompatible versions can be signaled by this field. Zero: RFC 1058 RIP doesn’t use this field; it was  added to have backward compatibility provided to pre-standard varieties  of RIP. Address family identifier (AFI):   The  address family used is specified. Address-family identifier is contained in  each entry  to  specify  the category  of  address being particularized. The  AFI  for IP  is 2. Address:   The IP  address is particularized  for  the entry. Metric:  The number of inter-network hops traversed  in  the trip  to  the destination is indicated. 1  and 15  for  an applicable route, or 16  for  an unapproachable route. RIPv2: Developed  in 1994 †¢ Classless  inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) is supported †¢ Subnet  information can be carried †¢ Addition of MD5  authentication and Rudimentary plain text  authentication for the security of routing updates. †¢ Routing updates   are multicast to 224. 0. 0. 9 †¢ 15 is the maximum hop count A RIPv2 packet  format is shown below: [pic] Fig: RIPv2 packet  format Command:  determine whether  the packet  is  a request or  a response. A router send  all or part  of its routing table is asked by  the request. Reply  to  a request or regular routing update means the response. Routing table entries are contained in responses. Version number: RIP version used is specified. Unused: Zero is the value set. Address-family identifier (AFI):  The  address family used is specified. Authentication  information is contained in the remainder of the entry if  the  AFI  for  the initial entry  is 0xFFFF in  the message. At present,  simple password is the only  authentication type. Route tag: The methodology is provided  for distinguishing between  internal routes (learned by RIP)  and external routes (learned from other protocols). IP  address: IP  address is particularized  for  the entry. Subnet mask:  The subnet mask is contained  for  the entry. No subnet mask has been particularized  for  the entry if this field  is zero. Next hop: The IP  address  of  the next hop is indicated  to which packets  for  the entry should be  forwarded. Metric:  The number of inter-network hops traversed  in  the trip  to  the destination is indicated. 1  and 15  for  an applicable route, or 16  for  an unapproachable route. 4. 2 OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) †¢ A Link-State protocol †¢ used  for routing between routers belonging  to  a single  autonomous system †¢ link-state technology is used †¢   information  about  the direct connections  and links is communicated between the routers Identical database is maintained by each OSPF router for the description of   the  autonomous System’s  topology †¢ Calculation of a routing table by the construction of a shortest- path tree from this database. †¢ Routes are quickly recalculated in the face of topological changes †¢ equal-cost multi-path are supported †¢ Authentication of all OSPF routing protocol exchanges †¢ Designed for TCP/IP environment †¢ routing updates authentication †¢ IP multicast are utilized in sending/receiving  the updates †¢ routes IP packets based exclusively on  the target IP  address originate  in  the IP packet header Grouping of sets of networks †¢ IP subnets are flexibly configured †¢ Destination  and mask is available to the route distributed by OSPF The following figure shows  the packet  format used by OSPF: [pic]Fig: OSPF packet  format Version number:  the OSPF version used is specified. Type:  the OSPF packet type is identified  as one  of  the following: Hello: neighbor relationships are established and maintained. Database description:  the contents  of  the  topological database are described. Link-state request: pieces  of  the  topological database are request ed from neighbor routers. Link-state update:  a link-state request packet is responded. Link-state  acknowledgment:   link-state update packets are acknowledged. Packet length:  the packet length,  the OSPF header is specified. Router ID:   the source  of  the packet is identified. Area ID:   The  area of packet is identified. All OSPF packets  are  linked with  a single  area. Checksum:  the complete packet contents are checked  for  any harm suffered  in travel. Authentication type:  the  authentication type is contained. Authentication of  all OSPF protocol exchanges. Configuration of the  authentication type   on per-area basis. Authentication:   authentication  information is contained. Data: encapsulated upper-layer  information is contained. 5. WORKING 5. 1 Distance Vector Routing: The following methods show  the overall working  of  the Distance-Vector Routing: . There is no predefined route i. e. entire route for a particular destination is not known to any router. The port to send out a unicast packet is known by each router on the basis of destination address. Progressively the route is made and there is the formation of the route by the contribution of each router when it receives the packet. The optimal tree is not predefined in DVRP actually. No routers have knowledge for making an optimal tree. Slowly and gradually the tree is made. The tree is formed as soon as a router receives a packet; it is forwarded by router through some of the ports, on the basis of source address. Other down-stream routers make the rest of the tree. The formation of the loops must be prevented by this protocol. Duplications are also prevented in order to make the entire network receive only one copy. In addition to this, the shortest path from source to the destination is the path travelled by a copy. Inconsistencies occurring with Distance-Vector Routing: Incorrect routing entries are caused by slow  inter-network convergence which may bring inconsistencies maintaining routing information. .  The following example describes how  inconsistencies occur  in Distance-Vector routing: The entire figure describes the inconsistencies occurring with Distance-Vector Routing. Defining  a maximum  to prevent count  to  infinity: . With this  approach,  the routing table update loop is permitted by routing protocol until  the metric exceeds its maximum  allowed value. Fig: Defining  a maximum  to prevent count  to  infinity 6 hops are defined as the maximum  allowed value. When  the metric value exceeds 16 hops, we cannot reach network 10. 4. 0. 0 Routing Loops  in Distance-Vector Routing: A routing loop is said to be occurred if two or more routers have  false routing  information  representing that  a applicable path  to  an unapproachable d estination exists via other routers. Fig: Routing Loop Solutions  to eliminate routing loops Split horizon:  The information is not sent in the direction from where original information comes. The split horizon function is illustrated by the following figure Fig: Split Horizon Route Poisoning:  Routing loops are eliminated. The following figure provides  an example  of Route Poisoning: Fig: Route Poisoning In  addition  to split horizon, route poisoning  and holddown timers, poison reverse, holddown timers  and triggered updates  are other methods  to eliminate routing loops. 5. 2 Link-State Routing: The following methods show  the overall working  of Link-State Routing. Gathering of the neighbor  information continuously. Router answering to this protocol are broadcasted the list of neighbor  information, process known  as flooding. Soon, this  information is distributed to all routers on  the network. Flooding of the neighbor  information in case  of  a (routing-significant) change  in  the network. The best path can be calculated to any host on any destination network as everything  about  the network is known by every router. 6. ADVANTAGES  AND DISADVANTAGES Distance-Vector Routing Advantages  of Distance-Vector Routing: †¢ simple  and flat network †¢ No special hierarchical design is required. †¢ Implementation of hub-and-spoke networks †¢ No concern for worst-case convergence times  in  a network †¢ less memory  and processing power usage Disadvantages  of Distance-Vector Routing: †¢ Incorrect routing entries create inconsistencies in maintaining  the routing  information †¢ Rise of a condition count  to  infinity †¢ Occurrence of a routing loop †¢ Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM) or super netting is not supported †¢ multi-vendor routing environment is not supported Link-State Routing Advantages  of Link-State Routing: †¢ Paths are chosen via network by the use of cost metrics †¢ changes  in  the network  topology are reported to  all routers  in  the network quickly †¢   fast convergence times †¢ No occurrence of routing loops routing decisions are based on the most recent set  of  information †¢ Link-State protocols use cost metrics  to choose paths though  the network. The cost metric reflects  the capacity  of  the links on those paths. Disadvantages  of Link-State Routing: †¢ Topology database,  an  adjacency database,  and  a  forwarding database is required. †¢ a significant  amount  of memory  is required in large or complex networks †¢ significant  amount  of CPU power usage †¢ need of a strict hierarchical network design to reduce significant  amount  of CPU power usage †¢ network capability or performance is low to transport data . APPLICATION  AREAS Distance-Vector Routing: †¢ used in mobile, wireless and hoc networks (MANETs) †¢ used for mobile  ad hoc routing (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing) . Link-State Routing: †¢ used  in larger, more complicated networks †¢ Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) designed for mobile, wireless and hoc networks 8. COMPARING DISTANCE-VECTOR  AND LINK-STATE ROUTING STRATEGIES †¢ Mostly, best path is determined by Distance Vector protocols, while bandwidth, delay, reliability  and load are considered to make routing decision by Link-State protocols Distance Vector protocols are simple and efficient where as Link-State protocols are flexible and sophisticated †¢ Routing  information Protocol (RIP v1  and v2)  and  interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP developed by Cisco) are Distance Vector protocols where as OSPF, EIGRP, Novell's NLSP (NetWare Link State Protocol) are Link-State protocols †¢ Notion of a distance is not required in Distance Vector routing where as Link-State routing is based on minimizing some notion of distance †¢ Uniform policies are not required at all routers in Distance Vector routing but uniform policy is required in Link-State routing Router have little knowledge about network topology in Distance Vector routing where as routing domain has excessive knowledge about topology information in Link-State routing 9. CONCLUSION Introduction, working, use, advantages and disadvantages of Distance-Vector  and Link-State routing  are explained  in this project. Bellman  ford  and Dijkstr a’s  algorithm are also discussed. This project describes the popularity of Distance-Vector  and Link-State routing  because of their complex, sophisticated, flexible features in recent computer networking field..

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Lord of the Flies

In this essay, I will talk about the key points that led to the loss of civilization. â€Å"We did everything adults would do. What went wrong? † -William Gilding, Lord of the Flies The first point, I would like to introduce Is Jack's Impact on the community. Jack Is a very strong individual, who believes that If you can't solve a problem, you should Just avoid it. As well as that he Is the oldest and the strongest, which In theory should make him sensible, despite that, he chooses not to support rules and senselessly. â€Å"Jack's face swam near him. â€Å"And you shut pulp Who are you, anyway? Sitting there telling people what to do.You ant hunt, you can't sing?† â€Å"I'm chief. I was chosen. † â€Å"Why should choosing make any difference? Just giving orders that don't make any sense† Now it is quite obvious, that Jack represents an autocratic government, where power is taken; and Ralph represents democratic governments, where power is given. Moreover , Jack understands mob mentality, and uses physical examples, of tortures to threaten other savages. As a result of Jack's actions, mob mentality starts to grow. Mob mentality, happens when individuals, act as a group. Therefore, they try to hide their personality, which makes them free of all laws and obligations.An example In the book would be how the savages, attacked Rally's shelters and they weren't' even sorry for a bit, but If adults would've been there†¦ â€Å"Someone was throwing stones: Roger was dropping them, his one hand still on the lever. Below him, Ralph was a shock of hair and Piggy a bag of fat. † William Gilding, Lord of the Flies. To Roger, it is literally indifferent, who Ralph and Piggy are. To him, they are Just a ‘shock of Hair' and ‘a bag of fat'. It is impossible that Roger would have pushed the lever, if adults were there and Jack wasn't. This is how mob mentality influences the people.It can also be seen, when all of the characters are present at the killing of Simon. Another important factor, responsible for the loss of civilization, is the death of Simon. It can be described as the watershed moment, because after that they aren't afraid to kill. If he was regarded as the ‘Beast', killing him didn't stop the boys being scared of the ‘Beast'. â€Å"We was [was >were] on the outside. We never done nothing, we never seen nothing. † [Salad Ralph] Lord of the Flies, William Gilding. Ralph tells Piggy; hide the fact, that they were both present at the murder of Simon.Ralph is still ashamed that they hadn't stopped the savages. Above all, darkness and evil of humanity affected the boys, the most. Gilding, himself fought in the WI and saw Hiroshima, AS concentration camps and much more; so he really understands what mankind is capable of. â€Å"Maybe there is a beast What I mean is†¦ Maybe it's only us. † Lord of the Flies, William Gilding Simon and Piggy achieve same-but-different con clusions. Piggy has rational, external, empirical attitude, saying: we're afraid of each other. Simon has a more spiritual believe: it's not each other we need to be afraid of, but us.In Lord of the Flies, Gilding expresses the real side of the human-beings. â€Å"What a man does defines him, not what is done by others. † William Gilding. To conclude my essay, those were the main points that influenced the loss of civilization: Jacks impact, mob mentality, murder of Simon and the darkness & evil of humanity. Those aren't all the point that affected it. I personally didn't like the book- I think it was boring. â€Å"The writer probably knows what he meant when he wrote a book, but he should immediately forget what he meant when he's written it. † William Gilding Lord of the flies Slipping Away William Gilding states â€Å"†¦ The shape of society must depend on the ethical nature of the Individual. † In Lord of the Flies when he brings two tribes of boys together to sustain an island surrounded by evil (204). Upon analyzing Gildings characters, we can see that the boys stranded on the island are willing to do anything to anyone in order to survive. Despite the evil in Roger and Jack, the innocence and good in Piggy and Ralph surfaces.When we look at the way Gilding describes the boys on the Island, we can all twice the change within all of them. In the beginning of the novel the kids are innocent British school boys, but later Jack transforms into a child whoso obsessed with hunting. Jack is only interested in torturing and killing the pig when he â€Å"raised his spear and sneaked forward† (135). Just how much one can change because of their surroundings. Ralph and Jack have tension between them most of the time because Ralph can clearly se e the transformation within Jack.Because of the darkness In Jack, it highlights the Innocence In Piggy when he believes â€Å"[they'd] hurt he next telling. ,. And that's [him]† (93). Piggy feels that without any reason no one would survive on the island. Because of the chaos on the island, Piggy's constantly paranoid. In a world of destruction, the worst comes out from the good. As we observe Roger, we can infer the changes he comes across. As Jack and Roger are trying to kill Ralph, they set the island on fire. When the twins are being held captive by Roger, they explain to Ralph how â€Å"they hate [him]† (188).Jack and Roger were childish enough to set their environment on fire Just to get what they want. They want the rest of the boys to be on their side and in order to do that they have to exile Ralph. Clinton 2 While Jack and Roger are trying to find Ralph, Sam n Eric find him first and warn him how â€Å"[Rorer's] a terror† (189). Roger is the one in cha rge of murdering Ralph or Jack would be the one â€Å"sharpening the stick. † The island Is obviously changing more than one of the boys. Not only do bad things happen to good people, but good people can turn bad.When Piggy and Ralph find the rest of the boys, Ralph starts mentally hurting Piggy. Piggy's insecurities show when they talk about him â€Å"being called Piggy† (25). With this Ralph goes behind Piggy's back and tells the tribe his name is â€Å"Piggy. † Ralph is displaying his callousness to Piggy now that the rest of the boys are there. He's trying to come off's the leader type for the first time impression. In the same scene when thieve Introducing themselves, Ralph continues to push Piggy around by telling him to â€Å"go back, and take names. That's your job. So long† (157).Ralph turns bossy and thinks he can tell everyone what to do and how to do it. Piggy feels that Ralph thinks he's better than him to show off for the rest of the tribe. Ralph believes that now he's chief he doesn't have to do any of the hard work and he can make everyone else do it. All Piggy wants is for Ralph to have his back and be his friend. However, Plays being the only voice of reason makes him the weak target. In the speak† (44). The rest of the boys believe they can push piggy around. He feels unwanted and nobody understands him and his needs.He notices Ralph becoming angry when he's constantly shouting â€Å"shut up† at him. Not only does Piggy have ideas to get off the island alive, but nobody acknowledges him. He believes they are turning against each other and attacking. The tribes think being on the island is a lot of fun. Piggy thinks â€Å"rules are they only thing [they've] got† (91). Piggy Just wants to be friends with everyone, but since they pick on him and Hess so gullible, that can't happen. He thinks â€Å"the world is slipping away' when the boys become something they aren't (204).Ultimately, the good in Ralph and Piggy comes out do to the darkness in Jack and Roger. In the novel, William Gilding places two tribes of boy to survive the evil within themselves on an Clinton 3 island. They need to be able to handle themselves and each other in order to get off the island alive. William Gilding discusses how â€Å"the theme is an attempt to trace the defects of human society back to the defects of human nature† (204). He figured that if he put a group of boys in the wild to survive with only the clothes on their backs, they would turn into savages. Lord of the flies Slipping Away William Gilding states â€Å"†¦ The shape of society must depend on the ethical nature of the Individual. † In Lord of the Flies when he brings two tribes of boys together to sustain an island surrounded by evil (204). Upon analyzing Gildings characters, we can see that the boys stranded on the island are willing to do anything to anyone in order to survive. Despite the evil in Roger and Jack, the innocence and good in Piggy and Ralph surfaces.When we look at the way Gilding describes the boys on the Island, we can all twice the change within all of them. In the beginning of the novel the kids are innocent British school boys, but later Jack transforms into a child whoso obsessed with hunting. Jack is only interested in torturing and killing the pig when he â€Å"raised his spear and sneaked forward† (135). Just how much one can change because of their surroundings. Ralph and Jack have tension between them most of the time because Ralph can clearly se e the transformation within Jack.Because of the darkness In Jack, it highlights the Innocence In Piggy when he believes â€Å"[they'd] hurt he next telling. ,. And that's [him]† (93). Piggy feels that without any reason no one would survive on the island. Because of the chaos on the island, Piggy's constantly paranoid. In a world of destruction, the worst comes out from the good. As we observe Roger, we can infer the changes he comes across. As Jack and Roger are trying to kill Ralph, they set the island on fire. When the twins are being held captive by Roger, they explain to Ralph how â€Å"they hate [him]† (188).Jack and Roger were childish enough to set their environment on fire Just to get what they want. They want the rest of the boys to be on their side and in order to do that they have to exile Ralph. Clinton 2 While Jack and Roger are trying to find Ralph, Sam n Eric find him first and warn him how â€Å"[Rorer's] a terror† (189). Roger is the one in cha rge of murdering Ralph or Jack would be the one â€Å"sharpening the stick. † The island Is obviously changing more than one of the boys. Not only do bad things happen to good people, but good people can turn bad.When Piggy and Ralph find the rest of the boys, Ralph starts mentally hurting Piggy. Piggy's insecurities show when they talk about him â€Å"being called Piggy† (25). With this Ralph goes behind Piggy's back and tells the tribe his name is â€Å"Piggy. † Ralph is displaying his callousness to Piggy now that the rest of the boys are there. He's trying to come off's the leader type for the first time impression. In the same scene when thieve Introducing themselves, Ralph continues to push Piggy around by telling him to â€Å"go back, and take names. That's your job. So long† (157).Ralph turns bossy and thinks he can tell everyone what to do and how to do it. Piggy feels that Ralph thinks he's better than him to show off for the rest of the tribe. Ralph believes that now he's chief he doesn't have to do any of the hard work and he can make everyone else do it. All Piggy wants is for Ralph to have his back and be his friend. However, Plays being the only voice of reason makes him the weak target. In the speak† (44). The rest of the boys believe they can push piggy around. He feels unwanted and nobody understands him and his needs.He notices Ralph becoming angry when he's constantly shouting â€Å"shut up† at him. Not only does Piggy have ideas to get off the island alive, but nobody acknowledges him. He believes they are turning against each other and attacking. The tribes think being on the island is a lot of fun. Piggy thinks â€Å"rules are they only thing [they've] got† (91). Piggy Just wants to be friends with everyone, but since they pick on him and Hess so gullible, that can't happen. He thinks â€Å"the world is slipping away' when the boys become something they aren't (204).Ultimately, the good in Ralph and Piggy comes out do to the darkness in Jack and Roger. In the novel, William Gilding places two tribes of boy to survive the evil within themselves on an Clinton 3 island. They need to be able to handle themselves and each other in order to get off the island alive. William Gilding discusses how â€Å"the theme is an attempt to trace the defects of human society back to the defects of human nature† (204). He figured that if he put a group of boys in the wild to survive with only the clothes on their backs, they would turn into savages. Lord of the Flies KOURTNIE MCLAURIN ENGLISH 4 DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY: LORD OF THE FLIES MAIN CHARACTER: RALPH Lord of the Flies is a novel by author William Golding. Lord of the Flies story line is about a group of British boys stuck on an uninhabited island who try to govern themselves, with disastrous results. The setting takes place on an unnamed island, during a nuclear war. The book sets out their descent into brutality, left to them in an exquisite country, far from modern civilization, the well-educated children regress to a primitive state.Ralph, one of the older boys, is the protagonist of the novel who at first is overjoyed to be on a tropical island free from adult restraints. He is neither the smartest nor the strongest but has a kind of quiet charisma and good looks. He tries to keep the boys focused on trained order and the rules of civilization but loses his authority and almost his life to Jack’s, the antagonist of the story, seizure of power. By nature, he is an innocent, mild- temp ered boy who accepts leadership when it is thrown at him. He portrayed as a democratic leader who tries to keep the boys together on the island.Ralph has courage when the occasion demands it, but he really longs for the secure world of grown-ups, especially when order starts breaking down on the island. He dreams about a rescue and insists the signal fire burn at all times so that they can be seen. There’s conflict. Ralph knows that the main reason for the disorder on the island is Jack, representation of evil in the novel. There is a constant conflict between the two boys. Ralph stands for civilized ideals, while Jack leads a tribe of savages and lapses into primitive rituals. In the midst of the savagery, Ralph holds on to rationality and the hope of rescue.There is only one occasion when Ralph lapses into mild savagery; it occurs when he joins the ritual dance at the feast, the same feast where Simon is killed. The guilt that Ralph experiences as an outcome of his being a part of Simon's death is unbearable. It forces him to totally accept the fallen nature of all mankind. Armed with the truth, like Simon before him, he becomes the hunted animal, full of desperation and despair. Only civilization, which appears in the form of the naval officer, can save Ralph from the savagery that surrounds him. Lord of the Flies Daniel Santana Mrs. Caston English CP9, Period 1 6/6/12 Essay for LORD OF THE FLIES When man is taken or is separated from civilization, man can become primitive. In the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding addresses what happens to man when they are taken out of civilization. The book begins with a plane that is filled with British school boys that crashes on an abandoned island. Since there are no adults with them on the island, the boys are forced to create their own civil society which slowly falls apart throughout the novel.In the novel Golding states that the boys are becoming uncivilized when they talk about the beast and what it is, the murder of Piggy, and the hunting of Ralph. One way the boys are becoming less civilized is when they start to fear that there is a beast on the island. For example Golding writes, â€Å"In a moment the platform was full of arguing and gesticulating shadows to, Ralph, seated, this seemed the breaking up of sanity. Fear, beast, no general a greement that the fire was all important†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (88).This shows that the boys have lost their sense of worldly reason of the world and their fear has now created the ‘Beast’ that roams within the sea. It also shows that they have so much fear that they have no agreement to have the fire keep going so they can be rescued. Later in the story the children chant, â€Å"‘Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in! ’†¦The beast was on its knees in the center, its arms folded over its face. It was crying out against the abominable noise, something about a body on the hill.The beast struggled forward, broke the ring, and fell over the steep edge of the rock†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (153). This shows that they boys are overcome by the fear of the beast they turn to a primitive state to deal with this fear and they kill the beast without knowing it was Simon. This act shows in their rage against the beast they don’t hear Simon as he tries to tell the boys there is no beast while they are stabbing him. These quotes clearly lay out how the boys become more savage like from their fear of the ‘beast’ on the island. Another way that the boys were becoming uncivilized is when they murdered Piggy.For example, once the boys break into two tribes, â€Å"Jack had backed right against the tribe and they were a solid menace that bristled with spears. The intention of a charge was forming among them†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (180). This shows that they are becoming uncivilized because when Piggy is talking he’s saying that if it is beater to be savages than having law and order the hunters are about to attack them. Also it shows that Jack and his hunters have converted to savagery. In addition Golding describes the murderess act, â€Å"High overhead, Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever† (180).This shows that Roger has no reason for what he is going to do, he’s actin g on impulse. Also its shows that they have lost everything that is good to man and now they have become savages. These examples demonstrate the extreme loss of a civilized behavior. Another example of the boys becoming less uncivilized is when they and hunt Ralph so they can kill him. For example Samneric are talking, â€Å"I dunno. And Ralph, Jack, the chief says it’ll be dangerous—and we’ve got to be careful; and throw our spears like at a pig† (188). This shows that the boys have no sympathy for taking a human life.Also it shows that the boys are going to hunt Ralph as if he was an animal. In addition Ralph talks to Samneric and continue to explain, â€Å"‘What are you going to do—? From the top of the towering rock came the incomprehensible reply. ‘Roger sharpened a stick at both ends,† (180). This shows that the boys have no lost their sanity and now they are complete savages. They transposed from having law and order to be ing savages so they can kill Ralph. In conclusion, the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding illustrates the boy’s loss of civilization.When the boys talk about the beast and fear it, they become less civilized because they would stop at nothing to kill the beast and push back the time of being rescued further. The death of piggy illustrates the boy’s loss of civilized behavior because they have no remorse for taking the life of a human being. The have completely lost their civilized behavior because they hunt Ralph and they would stop at nothing to kill him cause he is seen as a threat to Jacks new, wild society. When human beings are taken from society over time they will become savage like and lose reason for what they do. Lord of the Flies ‘Lord of the Flies’ is frequently read as the story of changing identities. The plot gives an opportunity to trace the process, in which several boys turn into savage beasts on an isolated island. These changes do not occur overnight, but are accompanied by a series of profound implications, which make the story extremely realistic and teaching. In this essay I will turn my attention to exploring this process of losing identity and ultimate human devastation. ‘Lord of the Flies’ is the narration about the three identities, lost through violence, savageness, and inner moral conflict. Identity loss as the leading theme of the book The loss of identity among boys and their ultimate moral devastation is the major conflict of the book. Golding was extremely interested in investigating the inner causes and complications of such identity loss. It is difficult to justify these irreversible changes by external conditions in which the boys found themselves, yet for someone this justification may seem possible. The fight between their freedom and self-control has become the biggest challenge the boys had to face. In this fight self-control was tragically defeated, giving place to wildness, cruelty, desolation and violence. The humans are weak under the rays of freedom which are colored with unreason and the desire to hurt. Those boys have become the brightest depiction of the traditional human identity, regularly exposed to temptations which it cannot stand. Ralph and his changing identity ‘Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering.’[1] Ralph’s presence on the island led him to the state when he could not control his premature instincts anymore. The outstanding feature of Ralph’s personality in this story is that he experienced the loss of his identity twice: the first took place when he appeared on the island, and the second occurred after he was elected the leader and could not successfully hold that position. The change which occurred to Ralph could be connected to some magic spell of the island, but unfortunately this change found its reasonable explanation. Ralph was a well-bred and disciplined young boy, but being on an island without any adults significantly contributes into his identity loss. He could not perform the role of the leader and reasonably recognized the difficulties of being without parents. The loss of his leadership identity made him realize his ineffectiveness which he tried to compensate through cruelty and violence. ‘Ralph went for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy.’[2] The moment when Ralph sees the officer and realizes that his life is saved, becomes the culmination of his devastation: he simultaneously perceives the irreversibility of his change and the power of evil which exists in every human soul. Jack as the symbol of release from former identities Jack is completely different from Ralph; he is not subjected to reflecting upon the despair of his identity loss. ‘I’m scared of him, and that’s why I know him. If you’re scared of someone you hate him but you can’t stop thinking about him. You kid yourself he’s all right really, an’ them when you see him again; it’s like asthma an’ you can’t breathe.’[3] In his identity loss and devastation Jack has gone beyond reasonable measures, making the other boys afraid of him. He has demonstrated his ill nature to the fullest. Through his example, the reader reveals the tragic truth: human evil does not have any measures. The mask which he used in hunting, in reality was ‘a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness.’[4] He was unreasonable enough to call for disregarding his leadership, which broke one of the major human principles, and led to disorder and freedom to fight with each other. Piggy: a tragic victim of his identity loss Out of the three major characters, Piggy is the most civilized, and the biggest victim of the identity loss among the boys. This may put a contradictory tint onto the whole discussion: the reader risks thinking that reason cannot lead to any positive outcomes. Yet, this assumption is deceptive. Piggy’s age and appearance (glasses, in particular) turn him into an outcast from the start. His identity is lost through the efforts of others: he is called fatty, and he is mocked on for wearing glasses. These glasses are inseparable from his identity, as they let him watch the world in its true colors. As soon as they are taken by other boys to make the fire, he realizes that blindness and identity loss are synonymic. The loss of his identity has not led to devastation: it has led to his death which made him the victim of those who had lost their identities earlier. ‘How can you expect to be rescued if you don’t put first things first and act proper?’[5] The tragic character of Piggy’s identity loss is that it did not stem from Piggy’s character but was urged by other’s cruelty. He was the only person who lost his identity through his death. Conclusion The process of identity loss leading to devastation starts from the moment boys appear on the island. They do not display any strivings towards rescuing themselves, but prefer swimming in the lagoon. They hide their faces behind the masks, and hide from consciousness, shame, and reason. Their education is turned into primitiveness – the brightest sign of identity loss. Trying to kill the boar and dancing around it in the blood dance is the scene at which transformation into savages and as a result, identity loss is completed. There is no way back towards being civilized. The gradual degradation which all boys experienced broke all connections with their previous world. The appearance of the officer on the island has indicated total devastation of the boys’ moral identity. BIBLIOGRAPHY GOLDING, William, Lord of the Fli [1] W. Golding, Lord of the Flies, Penguin Non-Classics, 1999, p. 103. [2] ibid.,   p. 184. [3] ibid., p. 83. [4] ibid., p. 55. [5] ibid., p. 38. Lord of the Flies Bianca Adams Ms. Knapp Honors English 16 April 2013 Lord of the Flies: Formal Essay The Bible is the number one selling book in the world almost every year. Christianity has had a huge influence on literature, and music today. A commonly known rapper named Tupac often uses God in his music. For example in his song â€Å"Only God Can Judge Me† he says â€Å"Oh my Lord, tell me what I'm livin for everybody’s droppin got me knockin on heaven's door.Even though American Schools are secular environments, the Bible is still often represented in the curriculum. In the novel there are many ways to show that there’s an allegory towards the Bible. For example, William Golding uses his characters in the novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies† to symbolize Biblical ideas. In chapter 1 when the plane crashes with the choir boys, Ralph removes his clothes and bathes in the water, which shows an act of Baptism. Baptism is something that happens so your sins can be washed away.Al so the snake thing being referred to all the time in the book can relate to Satan in the garden of Eden. Satan often described himself as serpent. But unlike Adam & Eve the boys from the plane crash were mistaken about the creature. They were even unable to recognize the danger of evil within themselves that propels them to violence. Such as torturing the pigs in such a cruel way just to satisfy their hunger. Simon is the Christ figure Lord of the Flies Daniel Santana Mrs. Caston English CP9, Period 1 6/6/12 Essay for LORD OF THE FLIES When man is taken or is separated from civilization, man can become primitive. In the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding addresses what happens to man when they are taken out of civilization. The book begins with a plane that is filled with British school boys that crashes on an abandoned island. Since there are no adults with them on the island, the boys are forced to create their own civil society which slowly falls apart throughout the novel.In the novel Golding states that the boys are becoming uncivilized when they talk about the beast and what it is, the murder of Piggy, and the hunting of Ralph. One way the boys are becoming less civilized is when they start to fear that there is a beast on the island. For example Golding writes, â€Å"In a moment the platform was full of arguing and gesticulating shadows to, Ralph, seated, this seemed the breaking up of sanity. Fear, beast, no general a greement that the fire was all important†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (88).This shows that the boys have lost their sense of worldly reason of the world and their fear has now created the ‘Beast’ that roams within the sea. It also shows that they have so much fear that they have no agreement to have the fire keep going so they can be rescued. Later in the story the children chant, â€Å"‘Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in! ’†¦The beast was on its knees in the center, its arms folded over its face. It was crying out against the abominable noise, something about a body on the hill.The beast struggled forward, broke the ring, and fell over the steep edge of the rock†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (153). This shows that they boys are overcome by the fear of the beast they turn to a primitive state to deal with this fear and they kill the beast without knowing it was Simon. This act shows in their rage against the beast they don’t hear Simon as he tries to tell the boys there is no beast while they are stabbing him. These quotes clearly lay out how the boys become more savage like from their fear of the ‘beast’ on the island. Another way that the boys were becoming uncivilized is when they murdered Piggy.For example, once the boys break into two tribes, â€Å"Jack had backed right against the tribe and they were a solid menace that bristled with spears. The intention of a charge was forming among them†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (180). This shows that they are becoming uncivilized because when Piggy is talking he’s saying that if it is beater to be savages than having law and order the hunters are about to attack them. Also it shows that Jack and his hunters have converted to savagery. In addition Golding describes the murderess act, â€Å"High overhead, Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever† (180).This shows that Roger has no reason for what he is going to do, he’s actin g on impulse. Also its shows that they have lost everything that is good to man and now they have become savages. These examples demonstrate the extreme loss of a civilized behavior. Another example of the boys becoming less uncivilized is when they and hunt Ralph so they can kill him. For example Samneric are talking, â€Å"I dunno. And Ralph, Jack, the chief says it’ll be dangerous—and we’ve got to be careful; and throw our spears like at a pig† (188). This shows that the boys have no sympathy for taking a human life.Also it shows that the boys are going to hunt Ralph as if he was an animal. In addition Ralph talks to Samneric and continue to explain, â€Å"‘What are you going to do—? From the top of the towering rock came the incomprehensible reply. ‘Roger sharpened a stick at both ends,† (180). This shows that the boys have no lost their sanity and now they are complete savages. They transposed from having law and order to be ing savages so they can kill Ralph. In conclusion, the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding illustrates the boy’s loss of civilization.When the boys talk about the beast and fear it, they become less civilized because they would stop at nothing to kill the beast and push back the time of being rescued further. The death of piggy illustrates the boy’s loss of civilized behavior because they have no remorse for taking the life of a human being. The have completely lost their civilized behavior because they hunt Ralph and they would stop at nothing to kill him cause he is seen as a threat to Jacks new, wild society. When human beings are taken from society over time they will become savage like and lose reason for what they do. Lord of the Flies KOURTNIE MCLAURIN ENGLISH 4 DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY: LORD OF THE FLIES MAIN CHARACTER: RALPH Lord of the Flies is a novel by author William Golding. Lord of the Flies story line is about a group of British boys stuck on an uninhabited island who try to govern themselves, with disastrous results. The setting takes place on an unnamed island, during a nuclear war. The book sets out their descent into brutality, left to them in an exquisite country, far from modern civilization, the well-educated children regress to a primitive state.Ralph, one of the older boys, is the protagonist of the novel who at first is overjoyed to be on a tropical island free from adult restraints. He is neither the smartest nor the strongest but has a kind of quiet charisma and good looks. He tries to keep the boys focused on trained order and the rules of civilization but loses his authority and almost his life to Jack’s, the antagonist of the story, seizure of power. By nature, he is an innocent, mild- temp ered boy who accepts leadership when it is thrown at him. He portrayed as a democratic leader who tries to keep the boys together on the island.Ralph has courage when the occasion demands it, but he really longs for the secure world of grown-ups, especially when order starts breaking down on the island. He dreams about a rescue and insists the signal fire burn at all times so that they can be seen. There’s conflict. Ralph knows that the main reason for the disorder on the island is Jack, representation of evil in the novel. There is a constant conflict between the two boys. Ralph stands for civilized ideals, while Jack leads a tribe of savages and lapses into primitive rituals. In the midst of the savagery, Ralph holds on to rationality and the hope of rescue.There is only one occasion when Ralph lapses into mild savagery; it occurs when he joins the ritual dance at the feast, the same feast where Simon is killed. The guilt that Ralph experiences as an outcome of his being a part of Simon's death is unbearable. It forces him to totally accept the fallen nature of all mankind. Armed with the truth, like Simon before him, he becomes the hunted animal, full of desperation and despair. Only civilization, which appears in the form of the naval officer, can save Ralph from the savagery that surrounds him. Lord of the Flies Bianca Adams Ms. Knapp Honors English 16 April 2013 Lord of the Flies: Formal Essay The Bible is the number one selling book in the world almost every year. Christianity has had a huge influence on literature, and music today. A commonly known rapper named Tupac often uses God in his music. For example in his song â€Å"Only God Can Judge Me† he says â€Å"Oh my Lord, tell me what I'm livin for everybody’s droppin got me knockin on heaven's door.Even though American Schools are secular environments, the Bible is still often represented in the curriculum. In the novel there are many ways to show that there’s an allegory towards the Bible. For example, William Golding uses his characters in the novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies† to symbolize Biblical ideas. In chapter 1 when the plane crashes with the choir boys, Ralph removes his clothes and bathes in the water, which shows an act of Baptism. Baptism is something that happens so your sins can be washed away.Al so the snake thing being referred to all the time in the book can relate to Satan in the garden of Eden. Satan often described himself as serpent. But unlike Adam & Eve the boys from the plane crash were mistaken about the creature. They were even unable to recognize the danger of evil within themselves that propels them to violence. Such as torturing the pigs in such a cruel way just to satisfy their hunger. Simon is the Christ figure Lord of the flies Slipping Away William Gilding states â€Å"†¦ The shape of society must depend on the ethical nature of the Individual. † In Lord of the Flies when he brings two tribes of boys together to sustain an island surrounded by evil (204). Upon analyzing Gildings characters, we can see that the boys stranded on the island are willing to do anything to anyone in order to survive. Despite the evil in Roger and Jack, the innocence and good in Piggy and Ralph surfaces.When we look at the way Gilding describes the boys on the Island, we can all twice the change within all of them. In the beginning of the novel the kids are innocent British school boys, but later Jack transforms into a child whoso obsessed with hunting. Jack is only interested in torturing and killing the pig when he â€Å"raised his spear and sneaked forward† (135). Just how much one can change because of their surroundings. Ralph and Jack have tension between them most of the time because Ralph can clearly se e the transformation within Jack.Because of the darkness In Jack, it highlights the Innocence In Piggy when he believes â€Å"[they'd] hurt he next telling. ,. And that's [him]† (93). Piggy feels that without any reason no one would survive on the island. Because of the chaos on the island, Piggy's constantly paranoid. In a world of destruction, the worst comes out from the good. As we observe Roger, we can infer the changes he comes across. As Jack and Roger are trying to kill Ralph, they set the island on fire. When the twins are being held captive by Roger, they explain to Ralph how â€Å"they hate [him]† (188).Jack and Roger were childish enough to set their environment on fire Just to get what they want. They want the rest of the boys to be on their side and in order to do that they have to exile Ralph. Clinton 2 While Jack and Roger are trying to find Ralph, Sam n Eric find him first and warn him how â€Å"[Rorer's] a terror† (189). Roger is the one in cha rge of murdering Ralph or Jack would be the one â€Å"sharpening the stick. † The island Is obviously changing more than one of the boys. Not only do bad things happen to good people, but good people can turn bad.When Piggy and Ralph find the rest of the boys, Ralph starts mentally hurting Piggy. Piggy's insecurities show when they talk about him â€Å"being called Piggy† (25). With this Ralph goes behind Piggy's back and tells the tribe his name is â€Å"Piggy. † Ralph is displaying his callousness to Piggy now that the rest of the boys are there. He's trying to come off's the leader type for the first time impression. In the same scene when thieve Introducing themselves, Ralph continues to push Piggy around by telling him to â€Å"go back, and take names. That's your job. So long† (157).Ralph turns bossy and thinks he can tell everyone what to do and how to do it. Piggy feels that Ralph thinks he's better than him to show off for the rest of the tribe. Ralph believes that now he's chief he doesn't have to do any of the hard work and he can make everyone else do it. All Piggy wants is for Ralph to have his back and be his friend. However, Plays being the only voice of reason makes him the weak target. In the speak† (44). The rest of the boys believe they can push piggy around. He feels unwanted and nobody understands him and his needs.He notices Ralph becoming angry when he's constantly shouting â€Å"shut up† at him. Not only does Piggy have ideas to get off the island alive, but nobody acknowledges him. He believes they are turning against each other and attacking. The tribes think being on the island is a lot of fun. Piggy thinks â€Å"rules are they only thing [they've] got† (91). Piggy Just wants to be friends with everyone, but since they pick on him and Hess so gullible, that can't happen. He thinks â€Å"the world is slipping away' when the boys become something they aren't (204).Ultimately, the good in Ralph and Piggy comes out do to the darkness in Jack and Roger. In the novel, William Gilding places two tribes of boy to survive the evil within themselves on an Clinton 3 island. They need to be able to handle themselves and each other in order to get off the island alive. William Gilding discusses how â€Å"the theme is an attempt to trace the defects of human society back to the defects of human nature† (204). He figured that if he put a group of boys in the wild to survive with only the clothes on their backs, they would turn into savages. Lord of the Flies Bianca Adams Ms. Knapp Honors English 16 April 2013 Lord of the Flies: Formal Essay The Bible is the number one selling book in the world almost every year. Christianity has had a huge influence on literature, and music today. A commonly known rapper named Tupac often uses God in his music. For example in his song â€Å"Only God Can Judge Me† he says â€Å"Oh my Lord, tell me what I'm livin for everybody’s droppin got me knockin on heaven's door.Even though American Schools are secular environments, the Bible is still often represented in the curriculum. In the novel there are many ways to show that there’s an allegory towards the Bible. For example, William Golding uses his characters in the novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies† to symbolize Biblical ideas. In chapter 1 when the plane crashes with the choir boys, Ralph removes his clothes and bathes in the water, which shows an act of Baptism. Baptism is something that happens so your sins can be washed away.Al so the snake thing being referred to all the time in the book can relate to Satan in the garden of Eden. Satan often described himself as serpent. But unlike Adam & Eve the boys from the plane crash were mistaken about the creature. They were even unable to recognize the danger of evil within themselves that propels them to violence. Such as torturing the pigs in such a cruel way just to satisfy their hunger. Simon is the Christ figure

Monday, July 29, 2019

Car ignition system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Car ignition system - Assignment Example The coil consists of an iron core that is laminated, surrounded by two copper coils. The iron core does not create a closed loop on the windings, forming a magnetic circuit that is open, unlike in the case of transformers. The energy stored in the core magnetic field is then transferred to the spark plug. The primary core winding turns are of heavy wire and are relatively few. The secondary core winding are of smaller wire and consists of several thousands of turns. The wires are insulated by enamel and oiled paper since they carry very high voltages. The coil is normally inserted in a plastic case or a metal can with insulated terminals. Two types of coils are used in Volkswagens; the Black coil and the blue coil (Vidler & Knowles, 2003). The table below shows the comparison of the two types of coils. High tension lead wires are used to connect an ignition coil, a distributor and magneto to the spark plugs. Each of the leads contain a single wire since the current does not come back through the same path, but through the grounded engine connected to the negative terminal of the battery. A spark plug lead should have a resistance range of between 14 to 16Kohm/meter (Bolton, 2005). When the ignition switch is closed, current from the battery builds up inside the primary winding of the coil. However, the inductance of the coil prevents instant flow of current. The flow of current inside the coil produces a magnetic field around the core. Current must be allowed to flow long enough in order to store sufficient energy for the spark. Once sufficient energy is built, the contact breaker is opened, and since it is connected to a capacitor, the capacitor and the primary winding form a tuned circuit. The oscillation of the stored energy between the capacitor and the inductor of the coil initiates changing of magnetic field in the core of the coiling

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Psychology Learned Helplessness Doctor Seligman Essay

Psychology Learned Helplessness Doctor Seligman - Essay Example The hypÐ ¾thesized depressive explÐ °nÐ °tÐ ¾ry style is chÐ °rÐ °cterized by internÐ °l, stÐ °ble, Ð °nd glÐ ¾bÐ °l Ð °ttributiÐ ¾ns fÐ ¾r negÐ °tive events, Ð °nd externÐ °l, unstÐ °ble Ð °nd specific Ð °ttributiÐ ¾ns fÐ ¾r pÐ ¾sitive events. Ð lthÐ ¾ugh nÐ ¾t every study exÐ °mining the questiÐ ¾n Ð ¾f whether depressed individuÐ °ls hÐ °ve this explÐ °nÐ °tÐ ¾ry style hÐ °s cÐ ¾rrÐ ¾bÐ ¾rÐ °ted this hypÐ ¾thesis, there hÐ °ve been Ð ° lÐ °rge number Ð ¾f suppÐ ¾rtive studies. Indeed, Sweeney, Ð ndersÐ ¾n, Ð °nd BÐ °iley (1986) cÐ ¾nducted Ð ° metÐ °-Ð °nÐ °lysis Ð ¾f 104 studies Ð °nd cÐ ¾ncluded thÐ °t there wÐ °s strÐ ¾ng suppÐ ¾rt fÐ ¾r the link between the pessimistic explÐ °nÐ °tÐ ¾ry style fÐ ¾r negÐ °tive events Ð °nd depressiÐ ¾n, Ð °nd weÐ °k tÐ ¾ mÐ ¾derÐ °te suppÐ ¾rt fÐ ¾r the link between the pessimistic style fÐ ¾r pÐ ¾sitive events Ð °nd depressiÐ ¾n. LeÐ °rned helplessness is Ð ° phenÐ ¾menÐ ¾n cÐ ¾ntÐ °ining three cÐ ¾mpÐ ¾nents: cÐ ¾ntingency, cÐ ¾gnitiÐ ¾n, Ð °nd behÐ °viÐ ¾r. CÐ ¾ntingency Ð °ddresses the uncÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾llÐ °bility Ð ¾f the situÐ °tiÐ ¾n. CÐ ¾gnitiÐ ¾n refers tÐ ¾ the Ð °ttributiÐ ¾ns thÐ °t peÐ ¾ple mÐ °ke regÐ °rding their situÐ °tiÐ ¾n Ð ¾r surrÐ ¾undings Ð ¾f which they Ð °re Ð ° pÐ °rt. BehÐ °viÐ ¾r Ð °llÐ ¾ws individuÐ °ls tÐ ¾ decide whether they will give up Ð ¾r prÐ ¾ceed with the Ð ¾bstÐ °cle set befÐ ¾re them (PetersÐ ¾n, MÐ °ier, & SeligmÐ °n, 1993). When peÐ ¾ple experience leÐ °rned helplessness, they hÐ °ve Ð ° tendency tÐ ¾ give up eÐ °sily Ð ¾r fÐ °il mÐ ¾re Ð ¾ften Ð °t sÐ ¾mewhÐ °t eÐ °sier tÐ °sks. LeÐ °rned helplessness is mÐ ¾re likely tÐ ¾ result frÐ ¾m situÐ °tiÐ ¾ns where fÐ °ilure is uncÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾llÐ °ble. FÐ ¾r exÐ °mple, GernigÐ ¾n, FleurÐ °nce, Ð °nd Reine (2000) cÐ ¾nducted Ð ° study Ð ¾n fÐ °ilure in cÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾lled Ð °nd uncÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾lled circumstÐ °nces. They fÐ ¾und thÐ °t fÐ °ilure wÐ °s mÐ ¾re likely tÐ ¾ Ð ¾ccur in uncÐ ¾ntrÐ ¾llÐ °ble circumstÐ °nces. Ð nÐ ¾ther study, cÐ ¾nducted by Stiensmieier-Pelster Ð °nd SchurmÐ °nn (1989), Ð °ddressed fÐ °ilure in terms Ð ¾f blÐ °ming the results Ð ¾n internÐ °l Ð ¾r externÐ °l fÐ °ctÐ ¾rs Ð °nd hÐ ¾w perfÐ ¾rmÐ °nce wÐ °s

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Rastafari Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Rastafari - Research Paper Example In this regard, therefore, this research paper seeks to shed some light regarding this group of individuals. Introduction Who are the ‘Rastafari’? Are they some dreadlocked ‘ganja’ smokers to be feared and labelled as criminals? Or are they individuals who sing and dance to the reggae tunes? Based on a letter written to the editor and which featured in Caribbean newspapers in 1982, the author claimed that the ultimate ambition for the ‘Dread’, as they were popularly referred to, is to rip a man’s heart out and feed on his genitals. In Hollywood movies such as ‘Marked for Death’ and television programs, which includes ‘60 minutes’ Rastafarians have been depicted as combative dreadlocked gangsters characterized by red eyes from the smoke of Marijuana. Essentially, an image that one can get from popular opinion is that Rastas are dirty, low-life and drug dealers. They were dreaded in some places, for instance Domini ca that they could be shot at first sight. Some of messages conveyed in their music clearly portray the loath that the society they lived in exhibited against them. For example, Bob Marley, the accredited father of reggae music, sings out that ‘he shot the sheriff for self-defense.’ Similarly, in his hit song ‘Redemption song’, he expresses his agitation in the manner that the prophets of Haile Selassie are murdered by the bullet of the gun. Nonetheless, an encounter and research on these individuals gives a totally different picture about them as discussed in the subsequent sections. Rastafarian first came into being in the 1930 in Jamaica and it’s perceived to represent some spiritual ideology. However, a significant proportion of its adherents argue that it is more of â€Å"a way of life† rather than a religion. The adherents hold Haile Selassie I, an emperor of Ethiopia who reigned between 1930 and 1974, as God the Father while others as J esus. Those who subscribe to the teachings of Emperor Haile Selassie are referred to as Rastafari or simply Rastas. As such, Rastafarianism thus describes their way of life although some Rastas consider it as derogatory. This could be explained by their dislike and bias against â€Å"isms†, which is generally a part of typical Babylonian culture. The name Rastafari is believed to have been formed by a combination of two words, Ras and Tafari. Ras is s title given to a â€Å"head† or rather â€Å"leader†. This according to the translation of ras from Amharic, a local dialect group based in Ethiopia. On the other hand, Tafari is the first name of Tafari Makonnen, who is the famously known as Haile Sellasie I. The adoption of the new name followed his coronation. However, there is some discrepancy from Murell who argues out that Ras means Christ; while Rastafari refers to Haile Selassie, the founder of the movement (Murrell 4). Rastafarians claim that Haile Selassi e is their Christ who died physically, but lives in their souls. The believers argue that Christ shall come back to save them from the world, and he shall take them to Ethiopia. The followers argue that Ethiopia is the land that Christ promised them, and they refer to it as Mount Zion. Doctrines Hardly will one interact with a Rastafarian without getting to hear the mention of the term â€Å"Jah†, which, as is mostly the case, a precursor to the utterance of Rastafari. Generally,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Management Planning Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management Planning - Research Paper Example Selected Organization The organization whose planning function we are going to evaluate is Halliburton. Halliburton is a provider of different products and services to the energy sector of different countries. Some of the main activities of this company include managing geological data, locating hydrocarbons, construction of the wells, drilling, and managing lifecycle of the reservoirs. Planning For the managers at Halliburton, planning holds great importance in all processes of management. At Halliburton, planning means to recognize organizational goals and to develop proper strategies to meet those goals. Planning not only includes setting goals for the future but also includes development of tactics and strategies to meet those goals. Managers at Halliburton firmly believe that they cannot achieve desired goals without planning. For proper planning, managers consider many factors, such as, availability of resources, assessment of organizational environment, future trends of the oil and gas industry, assessment of industrial demands, and proper use of capital. At Halliburton, there are many kinds of planning which managers do for the success of the organization. Some of those types of planning include marketing planning, construction planning, production planning, event planning, and project planning. Marketing planning means to develop suitable strategies for the marketing of the company’s products and services.... For construction planning, managers consider different aspects of a project to develop a plan for that project. Some of the major aspects, which managers consider, include site of the project, needs of the client firm, geological survey, and feasibility of the project. Production managers also do proper planning to enhance production services, such as, pipeline process services, well intervention services, and oil and gas production services. For project planning, managers consider nature of the project, availability of the resources required to complete the project, due date of the project, and effective use of human resource and technology to meet the targets. Tatum (2011) states, â€Å"Like any type of business planning, project planning is about gaining the most benefit while making the wisest use of available resources†. Influence of Legal Issues, Ethics, and CSR on Planning There are many factors, which put a deep impact on the planning function of an organization. In ca se of Halliburton, some of the main factors, which influence the planning function of Halliburton, include legal issues, ethics, and corporate social responsibility. Let us discuss the impact of each of these three factors on the planning function of management at Halliburton. Legal Issues Legal issues are those issues, which revolve around a business’s policies, planning, and structure. â€Å"Business managers and owners must at all times be prepared to spend some time around legal issues that may arise† (Beck, 2011). Analyzing legal issues related to different business processes and policies is very critical for a company’s success. Managers at Halliburton focus towards all sorts of legal issues while doing any kind of business planning in order to ensure effective planning

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Duffley and Snow Case Comparison Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Duffley and Snow Case Comparison - Assignment Example The case initiation was to determine judicially whether the United States of America elected Zerubbabel Snow, the territory attorney general, to prosecute offenders of territorial offence (de J. Pemberton & ONeil, 1971). A change in the employee status of an individual is enough to support an agreement entered after starting employment. The plaintiffs team held that the athletic association had no right to deny the student eligibility from participating in athletics in the second semester. The act was unlawful and the New Hampshire had no facts to deny the student from participating in athletics. The association had n valid reason to deny Duffley the opportunity to participate in athletics in the second semester. The court made a ruling that the Utah Organic Act provides the territorial Supreme Court in conjunction with district courts power to act as circuits. The role of the each court was distinct and every individual serving under the court should abide by the rule. The territorial courts should serve people when they sit in the territorial courts. The district attorney of the United States of America has the power to prosecute individuals for not respecting the law. The Organic Act of September 9, 1850 established that the legislative powers should within the Constitution of the United States of America. Mr. Snow has undertaken to prosecute individuals in one of the district courts. It was against the law of the Utah as a territory of its own. Joint assembly elects the attorney general where the term of office is to be one year. The attorney general is entitled to attend all the legal business of the territory he or she is representing. Mr. Snow took the opportunity to prosecute law offenders in territories against the law of the territory. The United States issued a quo warranto in relation to the case of Mr. Hempstead (de J. Pemberton & ONeil, 1971). On the

Racial Communitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Racial Communitarianism - Essay Example This is a post-post-modernist development in the sense that it engulfs not only traditions of libertarianism, modernity of civil society and peculiar amalgamation of both these to bring forth something anew as good governance but also its quest for a balanced form of State and social ethos. Racial Communitarianism thus reflects a search and global movement for equal respect and opportunities to people of all races in the pursuance of their duties as human beings and citizens of a global civil society. Rights will then be natural corollary of duties so performed professionally. Communitarianism is also an attempt to work towards fighting various apparently fascist tendencies of libertarianism such as overarching power channels and structures like the Security Council of the United Nations and the all powerful stature of the President of United States despite inherent checks and balances in the political system. Communitarianism is, indeed, an emerging movement to go beyond the shackles of a sovereign nation-state. It is moving ahead into the realms of a global civil society tackling a number of its issues and problems on its own without always looking up to the State for all its solution. Standing on one's own feet, preserving one's self-respect, economic and multicultural empowerment alongwith individual based and logically viable soc

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The different between simulated reverberation using corner speakers in Research Paper

The different between simulated reverberation using corner speakers in the room and real reverberation - Research Paper Example Another researcher has found that the effects of steady-state suppression are similar in simulated and real reverberant environments. Therefore, there are advances that are closing the gap between the simulated and real reverberant environments, and there are commonalities as well. The following describes the differences between the two environments as well as the common ground that they share. Simulated verses Real Reverberation Simulated reverberation creates a diotic sound field (like loudspeaker in front) prone to spectral cancellations. C.f. to â€Å"amplitude mapping† / â€Å"summing localisation†. The diotic sound field may be replicated by the researcher, such as with the study done by Arai et al. (2007). They wanted to evaluate the effect of overlap-masking on speech intelligibility, so they conducted a study where they presented stimuli diotically through headphones connected to a computer. They were further able to adjust the sound level to the comfort of eac h subject. They found that the intelligibility of speech in reverberation was inversely correlated with the amount of overlap-masking (Arai et al., 2007, p. 440). ... n acoustic field is considered to be perfectly diffuse in a volume V if the energy density is the same on all points of this volume V† (Nelisse & Nicola, 1997, p. 3517). According to Kopco and Shinn-Cunningham (2002), however, this diffusion depends upon where the listener is in the reverberant room. For listeners in the center of the room, the reflective surfaces are located relatively far from the listener, which makes the sounds from all positions in the room diffuse to the listener. On the other hand, when the listener is close to a wall, early reflections are prominent, and these early reflections’ magnitude and timing depends upon where the source is in relation to the listener (Kopco & Shinn-Cunningham, 2002, p. 109). They also found that the reverberation effect on localization varies dramatically depending upon where the listener is positioned in the room, while the effects of room position on localization are modest (Kopco & Shinn-Cunningham, 2002, p. 112). On the other hand, Moorer (1979) found that diffusion is one of the reasons that simulating reverberation does not sound like real reverberation, and found that the effects of diffusion are most prominent when the walls are irregular, as opposed to flat, which is the case with most concert halls. For instance, Moorer cites the case of the Boston Symphony Hall, with its fluted side walls and box well ceiling. This configuration causes a confusion of sounds which are caused by the multiplicity of the diffused sources of sounds that are reflected from every irregularity in the room. Therefore, everything but the first few images are washed out, which means that artificial reverberation has a difficult time simulating the acoustics of a concert hall, which is the source of real reverberation (Moorer, 1979,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The current U.S. economic crisis and potential fixes Essay

The current U.S. economic crisis and potential fixes - Essay Example Citigroup, UBS, and JPMorgan have all announced negative earnings in their last financial reports as well as plans to lay off a significant number of workers. This paper carries out an analysis of how and why the crisis occurs and it evaluates the effectiveness of current measures used by the government to solve this crisis. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 looks at how the crisis occurred, section three looks at the causes of the crisis that is why the crisis occurred; Section 3 looks at the regulatory environment and current solutions; and the last section provides some conclusions and recommendations. Sub-prime loans are loans offered to borrowers with no prior track record of good credit history3. Due to the risk inherent in the loans, they are often issued at very high interest rates so as to compensate for the extra risk that they carry4. A sub-prime crises or credit crunch is said to exist when a significant number of sub-prime loans have been issued to unscrupulous borrowers5. These crises pose difficulties to both financial institutions and the borrowers. The outbreak of the recent sub-prime crises came after warning signals of write-downs in the value of mortgages late last year6. House prices in the U.S witnessed an unusual growth between 1997 and 2005. For example, prices increased by approximately 85% during this period. The period 2001 and 2005 witnessed the highest rates of appreciation7. Sub-prime delinquencies and foreclosures were therefore mitigated by house price appreciations during these years. This is so because borrowers facing difficulties to make regular mo rtgage payments could depend on the appreciation of the value of their property to solve their financial problems by refinancing the mortgage and withdrawing cash from the increased equity in the house thereby sustaining the new mortgage for a while. Borrowers could repay the principal by selling off the property8. Appreciation in property prices

Monday, July 22, 2019

Presentation of Statistical Information Essay Example for Free

Presentation of Statistical Information Essay Decision making within any given organization requires the use of information and data so that the relevant and well-informed decisions that will benefit the whole organization can be made. Managers require information and data to be presented in an easy way to analyze interpret and make the most-suitable decision based on the report provided (Cox, Hand, Herzberg, 2005). The statistical information should be presented in a simple way and contain graphical, and visualization hence get the meaning of the information and make the most-appropriate decisions for the Industry week (Yergens, Dutton, Patten, 2014).                  The statistical information need to be accurate, precise, clear and concise so that the decision that the manager will be able to make will be well-informed (Brechner, 2009). The presentation of the statistical information that has been obtained from the case study will use tables and graphs (Brechner, 2009). To be able to make the presentation of the statistical information through the table and graphs effective for decision making, the graphs and tables should be directly related to the written text in the case study (Cox, Hand, Herzberg, 2005). Therefore, this means that the information that is to be contained in the graphs and the tables should act as a summary for the whole case study.                Apart from being directly related to the whole case study, the graphs and tables are also needed to act as supporting evidence to the written text. Furthermore, the graphs and tables must also be clearly labelled (Yergens, Dutton, Patten, 2014). The manager is quite a busy person who holds a lot of responsibility hence the amount of time that is required to interpret the statistical presentation of the information need to be minimized (Yergens, Dutton, Patten, 2014). Therefore, this is the reason as to why the presentation of the statistical information using the graphs and tables must be precise and clear (Brechner, 2009). In additional to ensuring that the tables and the graphs are properly labelled with all variables identified correctly, it is important to include footnotes that are summarized for easy understanding of the graphs and tables (Cox, Hand, Herzberg, 2005).                   Graphs and tables will also be the most suitable for the presentation of the statistical information from this case study due to the reason that they provide the visuals that a manager needs to make an informed decision (Brechner, 2009). The graphs and tables also show how the variables obtained are related and how each impacts on the Industry Week hence the manager will be able to make well-informed decisions (Yergens, Dutton, Patten, 2014). Therefore, it will make the information more accessible to the manager, and also easy to memorize and remember without having to read the whole case study repeatedly. Limitations of the Study                     This case study has got some limitations that make it less reliable in making the final decision by the manager of the organization. Some of the limitations which can be directly identified include the sample size used during the collection of data. The participants in the research were 710 who completed their questionnaires but upon receiving the responses, only 676 of the responses were analyzed to provide the statistical information (case study). Therefore, it means that the actual results of the research were not relayed in this case study. The statistical information that was collected should have included all the responses from the total participants who took part in the research so that the actual results could be obtained. Furthermore, the limitation of this study is based on the margin of error that was assumed to be  ± 4 percent (case study). This percentage is quite higher and hence reduced the chances of having accurate statistical info rmation which the manager could then use to make the relevant decisions for the Industry week.                   The other limitation of the study is the in-depth follow-up telephone interviews that were conducted. The respondents who were involved in the follow-up interview was 40 in number (case study). Therefore, this was quite less considering that the total number of respondents who had been used in the research was 710 (case study). The number limited the chances of obtaining a wider range of responses during the follow-up interviews by the respondents (Goodhue, Lewis, Thompson, 2012). The study could also have been faced with the limitation of the questionnaire.                   The length of the questionnaires was quite long and hence may have affected the kind of response the participants provided when filling in the answers to the questions (case study). The research that was carried out made use of disproportionate sampling whereby the adverts used were for the year 1992 which had 648 adverts and 1997 that had 690 adverts (case study). Therefore, there is no possibility of knowing the trend based on the number of years that have lapsed between 1992 and 1997 (case study). Therefore, this reduces the chances of the manager being able to make appropriate and viable decisions based on the results of the study. References Brechner, R. A. (2009). Contemporary mathematics for business and consumers. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Cox, D. R., Hand, D. J., Herzberg, A. M. (2005). Selected statistical papers of Sir David Cox. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Goodhue, D. L., Lewis, W., Thompson, R. (2012). Does pls have advantages for small sample size or non-normal data? MIS Quarterly, 36(3), 981-A16. Yergens, D. W., Dutton, D. J., Patten, S. B. (2014). An overview of the statistical methods reported by studies using the Canadian community health survey. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 14(1), 1-14. doi:10.1186/1471-2288-14-15 Source document